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4 Bible Heroes That We’d Arrest Today

4 Bible Heroes That We’d Arrest Today

I’ve heard it said that well behaved women seldom make history1, but I think that’s true of men as well. Especially when it comes to religious history. Our Christian history is full of people that were regarded as oddballs, lunatics, or just plain weirdos...

7 Books for Doubting Christians

This list of books is for people who are doubting their faith. These books weren’t written to convince you of the truth of your faith. And they’re not about apologetics, defenses, or proofs. This is a list of books that can do one of two things: Give you...

3 (Good) Ways to Respond to Ahmaud Arbery’s Death

It’s happened again.  An unarmed black man was shot and killed by white men. While this article has “Ahmaud Arbery” in the title, we could replace his name with any number of similar events within our country.  The cultural conversation for stories...
The 3 Essentials of Racial Reconciliation

The 3 Essentials of Racial Reconciliation

Are racial reconciliation and harmony aspects of the Gospel? Many respected, conservative pastors say yes. The Gospel Coalition has written about it several times. Radical.net, David Platt’s network, has emphasized it. John Piper and Promise Keepers were focusing on...